[ConsortiumShare] [Network-Centric Resources] An invitation to the Next Session Design Lab

Dirk Slater dirk at fabriders.net
Thu Sep 1 12:43:32 CEST 2022

Hello Data Literacy Practitioner,

I want to invite you to participate in the next Session Design Lab, which will be an opportunity for you to strengthen your facilitation skills. It will take place on September 28th and 29th from 14:00 to 17:00 UTC. 

Facilitation is a key skill for any effort in building Data Literacy. I've built my facilitation expertise over the last quarter of a century by trial and error, understanding how people learn by reviewing Adult Learning research and comparing notes with my peers. The lab reflects that experience. During the lab, you will get grounding in adult learning research and an introduction to a format for a session derived from that research that is easy to understand and replicate. This one in September will be our 12th, and we have had well over 200 participants in the labs.  

I'll hope you'd be able to join, contribute your own experience and gain some expertise for the continuation of your journey in this work.  To say thank your for your continued participation in this network, I’d like to offer you a 25% discount.  

Just go to: https://www.fabriders.net/session-design-lab/ <https://www.fabriders.net/session-design-lab/>

You’ll see a link that says “enter promo code” and please enter: 


And then complete the registration for 150 GBP

Please share with anyone who might find it helpful. Note that other scholarships and discounts are on offer - see the ‘Apply for a Scholarship’ link down at the bottom.

Would love to see you on the 28th and 29th,


Dirk Slater
Facilitating Capacity & Movement Building
www.fabriders.net <http://www.fabriders.net/>
+447903932817 Mobile/Signal
@FabRider Twitter
Improve your facilitation skills at The Session Design Lab - https://www.fabriders.net/session-design-lab/ <https://www.fabriders.net/session-design-lab/>

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