[ConsortiumShare] MozFest CFP (Deadline November 5th)

Dirk Slater dirk at fabriders.net
Thu Oct 21 15:07:57 CEST 2021

Hello Data Literacy Practitioners,

I’m just starting to roll my sleeves up to get to work on this year’s MozFest and want to make sure it’s on your radar. This year the festival will take place online from March 7th to 11th, it’s emphasis is on making the internet a better place with an overarching theme of Trustworthy AI.

If you don’t know about MozFest - there’s an excellent explainer here: https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/blog/mozfest-101/ <https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/blog/mozfest-101/>

Suffice it to say, this is a great opportunity to design and run a session for a diverse audience - the tag line Is “Arrive with an idea, leave with a community”. It’s a an opportunity to sow projects and get people’s brains to help move work forward.  The call for proposals is now open and will close on November 5th - you can submit a proposal here: https://www.mozillafestival.org/en/proposals/ <https://www.mozillafestival.org/en/proposals/>

Do check out Space Narratives - this is the listing of topics that sessions are organised into - https://www.mozillafestival.org/en/proposals/space-narratives/ <https://www.mozillafestival.org/en/proposals/space-narratives/>  Likely you will find one that would be a good home for your work. For Example, I’m currently considering proposing a session called “Facilitating Online CoCreation of Network-Centric Resources” and thinking it will fit in the Rethinking Power and Ethics space.

I’ll be reprising my role this year in helping facilitators achieve session excellence - so if you do end up joining this year’s MozFest - look for me, I’ll be offering one on one coaching and also help run the Online Coaching Sessions.

And of course, if you have any questions about it - do ping me.


Dirk Slater
FabRiders Facilitates Movement Building
www.fabriders.net <http://www.fabriders.net/>
+447903932817 Mobile/Signal
@FabRider Twitter
Improve your facilitation skills at The Virtual Session Design Lab - https://www.fabriders.net/session-design-lab/ <https://www.fabriders.net/session-design-lab/>

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