[ConsortiumShare] Adapting Exising Resources and Other March Events
Dirk Slater
dirk at fabriders.net
Fri Feb 28 12:30:21 CET 2020
Hello Data Literacy Consortium
Happy Leap Day! (I know - it's tomorrow) It's the end of February and
have a few events you may be interested in for March.
Our next Data Literacy Consortium Check-In Meeting will take place on
March 10th at 10 Eastern, 3pm UK, 4pm Europe and we will be sharing ways
that we are adapting existing resources for our data literacy efforts.
RSVP here to get details on joining see: https://dataconsortium.net/
You also might be interested in
* Our Network-Centric Resources Project will be holding an online
discussion on Indicators of Success. So how do we know that we are
actually sharing ownership, enabling contribution and supporting
collaboration. It will take place on Thursday March 12th at 8:00
Pacific, 11:00 Eastern, 16:00 UK, 17:00 Europe. Super grateful to
Ashley Fowler, Internews <https://internews.org/>, Liz Monk, Western
Pennsylvania Regional Data Center <http://www.wprdc.org/> and Liz
Hynes, The Narrative Initiative
<https://narrativeinitiative.org/>for agreeing to lead small group
breakouts. RSVP to get details on how to join -
* The Workshop Lab is a FabRiders' event taking place in London on
March 26th. If you or any of your colleagues would like an
opportunity to improve your training and facilitation skills, please
come! Early bird tickets are currently available but there are is
also scholarships available. See:
Looking forward to seeing you at any, if not all, of those events!
- Dirk
Dirk Slater
+447903932817 Mobile/Signal
@FabRider Twitter/Wire
dirkslater Skype
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