[ConsortiumShare] Embarrassed apology

Dirk Slater dirk at riseup.net
Wed Aug 28 17:04:42 CEST 2019

Hi Amos,

Apology accepted and very much appreciated.  Look forward to seeing you on the 24th.

- Dirk

> On 28 Aug 2019, at 14:51, Amos Doornbos <Amos_Doornbos at wvi.org> wrote:
> Hello all
> I am sorry for inadvertently sending a calendar invite to everyone for the upcoming consortium check-in meeting.  When I added it to my calendar I did not realise the email list was automatically added as well. And so everyone received an invite from me.
> I especially apologise to Dirk as I know you wanted everyone who wanted to attend to RSVP <https://dataconsortium.net/rsvp-register/> in your system not to mine.  I am sorry. Can everyone who wishes to attend RSVP here <https://dataconsortium.net/rsvp-register/> and delete my invite.
> I am embarrassed.  Please accept my apologies
> cheers
> amos
> Amos Doornbos
> Disaster Management Strategy & Systems Director | World Vision International
> Based in UK
> blog - https://thisisamos.com/blog/ <https://thisisamos.com/blog/>
> mobile: +44 7824 145 762 | skype: amos_doornbos | twitter: @amosdoornbos <https://twitter.com/amosdoornbos>
> email: amos_doornbos at wvi.org <http://mailto:amos_doornbos@wvi.org/>
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