[liberationtech] Make your only phone call of the day (probably) to stop H.R. 9495, which is a gift to Trump

Kate Krauss katiephr at gmail.com
Wed Nov 20 19:42:44 CET 2024

Hi all,

Do you know someone who works for a US nonprofit organization with which
Trump might disagree? Or do you just agree with a nonprofit like that? The
ACLU, the Tor Project, EFF, CAIR, etc.

There's a vote happening today in Congress on a bill that would allow Trump
to target nonprofits he doesn't like and deems "terrorist."

Call a member of Congress here (calling works best and this is your
moment): https://www.fightforthefuture.org/actions/no-on-hr9495
("Vote no on HR 9495")

Here's a list of groups that oppose it from an Amnesty International

* It would give the U.S. Treasury unilateral authority
strip tax-exempt status from nonprofits deemed “terrorist supporting
organizations.” That’s a frightening prospect given Trump’s
previous attempt to designate antifascist protesters as “terrorists,”
classification of pro-Palestinian protesters as “pro-Hamas radicals,”
open desire to quell dissent with violence
and his frequent classification of those who disagree with him as
the “enemy from within.”


Katie Krauss
Liberation Tech
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