[liberationtech] CfParticipation: Hybrid Workshop at MUC 2024 “The Urban Future is Now: Uniting Powers for Inclusive and Sustainable Design of Smart Cities”
Aal, Konstantin, Dr.
konstantin.aal at uni-siegen.de
Sat May 11 10:49:23 CEST 2024
We are a group of researchers in the HCI field working on the topics related to urban futures. We have organised a community for researchers and practitioners “The Urban Future is Now” and would like to invite participants to join our first hybrid workshop. All participants interested in the topic are welcomed regardless of the seniority level or location! We would appreciate your contributions, participation or spreading the word about our workshop!
If you are not yet actively ready to join the workshop, but want to stay in the loop for the upcoming events, join our newsletter of upcoming events: https://forms.gle/RJLVVX3S61s8cHXE8 or email margarita.osipova at uni-weimar.de<mailto:margarita.osipova at uni-weimar.de> for collaboration possibilities.
The Urban Future is Now: Uniting Powers for Inclusive and Sustainable Design of Smart Cities<https://urban-future-now.pubpub.org/muc-24>
🗓️ 3rd of September, Tuesday, 9:00-14:00
📍 Hybrid / Mensch und Computer 2024, Karlsruhe, Germany<https://muc2024.mensch-und-computer.de/en/>
🔗 urban-future-now.pubpub.org/muc-24<https://urban-future-now.pubpub.org/muc-24>
Submissions: Motivation letters/Creative contributions/Workshop papers
Deadline: the 15th of June 2024 via the Google Form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScOaZ4K5I-KBYq2Y0xgnJS_NBenq7hheU_ab9ZPnYLEsrCYfw/viewform?usp=sf_link>
The rapid urbanisation and smartization of the world brings challenges of designing urban futures that contribute to a sustainable and inclusive city environment. Additional complexity arises from space and infrastructure constraints, the diverse user range and involvement of multiple stakeholders in the design process. While these technologies -- once created -- would shape the future of cities and human- and non-human-citizens in the long run, we identify a lack of experience and knowledge exchange in the respective community regarding the addressing of smart city challenges from more than purely technical or topic-specific perspectives. With this workshop, we aim to gather researchers and practitioners from the fields of Urban Informatics, Smart Urbanism, and Human-Computer Interaction to openly share experiences and to outline the design challenges that should be addressed first, with the values of sustainability and inclusion as objectives for smart urban futures.
Call for Participation
This half-day hybrid workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners for outlining the current challenges and approaches towards inclusive and sustainable urban design and smart cities.
Participants can choose one of three contribution modes:
1. Motivation letters up to 2 pages
2. Creative contributions to be presented at the workshop within the timeframe of 5-10 minutes (posters, pictorials, videos, talks, presentations, interactive activities)
3. Workshop papers in the standard ACM article format up to 4 pages in two-column layout.
We welcome everyone interested or actively involved in the topics of Urban Informatics, Smart Urbanism, Urban HCI, or Sustainable and Inclusive Design. We expect submissions that are novel, reflexive, critical and share perspectives or experiences on the topic with the community.
All accepted creative submissions (2) will be published on the community platform, while accepted papers (3) will be published on the GI library. Submissions are accepted via the Google Form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScOaZ4K5I-KBYq2Y0xgnJS_NBenq7hheU_ab9ZPnYLEsrCYfw/viewform?usp=sf_link> until the 15th of June 2024. At least one author of each accepted submission must register for the conference (attendance onsite or hybrid) with a workshop/day/full ticket. Additionally, we encourage everyone interested in the topic, regardless of attendance at the conference, to contribute to the discussion and community via the pre-conference online activities which will be announced later on this page.
For all submission questions email konstantina.marra at uni-weimar.de<mailto:konstantina.marra at uni-weimar.de>
Margarita Osipova (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)
Konstantina Marra (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)
Tanja Aal (University of Siegen)
Konstantin Aal (University of Siegen)
Eva Hornecker (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)
Luke Hespanhol (The University of Sydney)
Looking forward to your submissions and thanks in advance for your support!
Dr. Konstantin Aal
PostDoc and Team Leader “Community and Activism”
pronouns: he/him/his
I support flexible work arrangements and do not expect you to reply outside your agreed working hours.
Information Systems and New Media
SFB 1187 "Medien der Kooperation"
University of Siegen
Kohlbettstr. 15, 57072 Siegen
Raum. US-E-102
Tel. +49 (0)271 / 740 3383
Mob. +49 (0)176 / 30 780 007
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