[liberationtech] reflecting on the riots, cherising the chance to air views

McNutt, John mcnuttjg at udel.edu
Sun May 5 14:58:00 CEST 2024

Thanks Paolo for this fascinating post. There is a lot to think about here. What would you think the next development would be?

Best, John
From: LT <lt-bounces at lists.liberationtech.org> on behalf of Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio at gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 5, 2024 8:14 AM
To: LT <lt at lists.liberationtech.org>
Subject: [liberationtech] reflecting on the riots, cherising the chance to air views

 Good morning Liberation Techies

I appreciate the opportunity to dialogue, and hope it is okay to share a few thoughts I am having this sunday morning, while watching the news
about  riots on campuses worldwide

Just a few weeks ago, catching up with an old friend now in florida as a teaching professor I was saying yes, being in the US is good but.. it looks to me that the country may be on the verge of some civil uprising.

 These days as I watch the riots I regret the violence but i am thankful that there is still a student movement of folks
who have not yet been tamed  and are ready to stick their neck out

Terrible as it is, it is good that people are expressing dissent, kickin a fuss

Three people I'd like to mention in this reflection, Stella Assange who now has a youtube channel (maybe she has had this channel for a long time?)
She is calling for presence, support for the next few week.  Stay strong, Julian and Stella
She makes the point briefly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZfegunKJhs&ab_channel=StellaAssange
please share
Is anyone working with Joe Biden on this list by any chance? stop the unlawful request for extradition I guess is the bottom line
in this case,

Josh Paul, Former Director  at US Dept of State, who resigned over recent arms deals. He is brave

And Boeing whistleblowers, Barnett who was murdered before the court deposition and now another Joshua Dean otherwise healthy guy if it weren't for whistleblowing . uhm

Somehow it is becoming clear to me of these situations are somehow connected in a complex systems sort of way by widespread deceit and systemic deviation. It is becoming increasingly dangerous to say things

I pause for a moment of silence and reflection honoring these people, and everyone standing up for trut
and greet everyone

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