[liberationtech] Seeking Feedback on Privacy Product for App Developers

Bobby Richter iambobbyrichter at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 16:38:18 CEST 2024

Hello LT,

I'm a product manager at AppCensus, a privacy-focused org spawned from
Android security & privacy research at ICSI / Berkeley.

We're offering app developers free access to our platform in exchange for
feedback on our product. We just launched a new release, and are looking
for an unvarnished reaction and critique from the kinds of developers we
are looking to serve.

AppCensus does a privacy audit of your app using a mixture of analysis
methods. We tell you what data your app sends and to whom, and how your app
aligns with app store privacy guidelines and privacy labels.

I'm reaching out to the list here, because I thought there may be some
people within the intersection of "privacy-conscious" and "app developer"
that wouldn't be scared to tell me what's good and what's bad about what
we've built.

If you are at all interested, please get in touch with me directly.


Bobby Richter
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