[liberationtech] AI in Libraries & Knowledge Organisations- PhD Scholarship available at UCD in Dublin, Ireland

Stefanie Havelka stefanie.havelka at ucd.ie
Sun Apr 28 20:54:07 CEST 2024

Stefanie Havelka <stefanie.havelka at ucd.ie>
Fri, 26 Apr, 18:28 (2 days ago)
to air-l
University: University College Dublin
School: Information and Communications Studies (ICS)
Supervisor: Dr. Stefanie Havelka (stefanie.havelka at ucd.ie)

*Starting date: September 2024Deadline for application: 31st May
2024Interviews with short-listed candidates: 10-14 June 2024*
Position: 100% full-time, tuition fees waived by the School of Information
and Communication Studies (ICS).

*Remuneration: PhD studentship is renewable for up to four years and
consists of:- PhD student stipend of €22,000k per annum (tax free)-
Scholarship students will be prioritised when applying for travel funding
from ICS.- Some equipment will be provided.*
Eligibility: EU and non-EU students are equally eligible under this award,
Requirement: Students accepted under this scheme must meet the university
entry standards.

For more information, please see

And email me,

Best wishes,

Dr. Stefanie Havelka [she/her]

Assistant Professor

Service Learning Coordinator MLIS

Thesis Coordinator MLIS
Room C119 | Newman Building
Phone: +353 01-716-8496
School of Information and Communication Studies
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4
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