[liberationtech] Support Libertarians Run For Pres Argentina Oct 22 2023 - Javier Milei - Bitcoin

Phillip Hallam-Baker phill at hallambaker.com
Thu Sep 21 20:23:01 CEST 2023

There are two types of Libertarians, there are people who actually believe
in liberty and there are hyper-authoritarian jackasses who just want to
tell everyone what to do like Ayn Rand and her followers

The US Libertarian party has an even more authoritarian agenda than Trump.
And this is really not at all surprising because Fascists never call
themselves fascists, that brand doesn't sell. Hitler's first speech to the
NASDAP begins, 'Peace, we want peace'.

It is really, really easy to wrap up communism or fascism as being about
freedom and that is exactly what Stalin and Mao and Hitler did and exactly
what the Rand Paul, Xi, and the BitCoin Ponzi schemers are doing today.

So like 'socialism' it is not a term I see as being at all useful. One of
the Kremlin assets I monitor is constantly talking about the need to
protect the freedom of others pushing the Moscow line. Every single one of
the men whose causes he has taken up has been accused of rape or sexual
assault, every single one. But he presents himself as the guardian of
'freedom' and 'liberty' and claims that the only enemy of freedom is
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