[liberationtech] Support Libertarians Run For Pres Argentina Oct 22 2023 - Javier Milei - Bitcoin

Lee Alley lee at morganalley.com
Thu Sep 21 07:40:48 CEST 2023

+1 hundred and thirty three thousand!

On 21 September 2023 05:06:17 BST, grarpamp <grarpamp at gmail.com> wrote:
>On 9/20/23, Larry Diamond <ldiamond at stanford.edu> wrote:
>> This list should not be used for partisan political purposes.
>> Please refrain from doing so.
>Perhaps you should first explain that to all the other posters who
>have posted blatently partisan political advancement purpose posts.
>Up to and including countless Leftist seminars, and lies about
>dead policemen. And while you're at it, go ahead and censor
>them off the list too for expressing political and other opinions
>and calls that you don't like, just like this list has cancelbanned
>others who spoke freely before.
>Newsflash: That's not how Liberation and Liberation Tech works.
>Are not Elections, Bitcoin, and Libertarian... Liberating.
>Whether via Elections, Technology, or other Means,
>Freedom and FreeSpeech always routes a way Around,
>or Through, such barriers.
>Cheers all ;)
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