[liberationtech] Next 2 SIGCAS Works in Progress! Beyond Net Zero & Technology of the Oppressed
Doug Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Wed Apr 5 04:42:08 CEST 2023
*What are we to make of corporate climate pledges? Who makes them and what
becomes of them? How does this play out within companies and sometimes
spills out into the public arena?*
Don't Miss the upcoming SIGCAS Works in Progress presentations!!
SIGCAS Works in Progress events are free for all but registration is
required. Please distribute to interested colleagues
(zoom links below)
Beyond Net Zero:
Grassroots Climate Movements and Software Imaginaries
April 12, 2023, 10 AM PST
Dr. Tamara Kneese
Corporate Net Zero goals are built on speculative, and often empty,
promises. Carbon offsets are a scam, another example of a
technologically-driven solution to a social problem. Some technologists
hope to use innovation to decarbonize the industry, as corporate
responsibility staff, IT managers, and engineers attempt to measure,
report, and reduce carbon emissions across the supply chain. At the same
time, rank-and-file tech workers are the ones pushing their employers to
take on climate pledges and adhere to their climate goals. In some cases,
including the recent demand for climate reparations at Amazon, workers are
sparking discussions about social inequalities and climate justice, going
beyond decarbonization to consider more holistic forms of sustainability.
This talk draws on longer histories of grassroots organizing and
environmental justice in the tech sector to delineate the tensions within
and the more radical possibilities connected to the climate movement in
Dr. Tamara Kneese is a Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley's Center for
Science, Technology, Medicine & Society.
Register for the April event:
And, I'm happy to also announce David Nemer's presentation for the May 10,
2023 event (10 AM PST)!
SIGCAS Works in Progress: Technology of the Oppressed
Brazilian favela residents use — and appropriate — technologies to fight
oppression in their lives and to represent themselves in the world.
Register for the May event:
Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Twitter: @doug_schuler
Public Sphere Project
Liberating Voices! A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution
Liberating Voices! A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution (book)
What type of activist are you? The Activist Mirror knows!
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