[liberationtech] Communicating with people in wartime

Jenny Ryan jenny at equalit.ie
Thu Mar 17 22:36:39 CET 2022

The org I work with, eQualitie, has been busily propping up servers in 
both UA and RU for decentralized, secure comms:



Hosting Matrix/Element instances as well as DeltaChat and Briar for 
chat, CENO Browser and NewNodeVPN for accessing web content.

Replying to the list so others are aware of the effort.

All open source and reusable/forkable, of course! - 

Love and solidarity,

Jenny Ryan
CENO / OuiSync Project Manager, eQualitie
https://censorship.no   ||https://equalitie.org
PGP Fingerprint: 8AA3 7DFF 2190 ADA3 7C08  05F2 E76E BE2F D25B 0F57

On 3/17/22 11:16, Sarah Lai Stirland wrote:
> Hi all -- I apologize in advance if I sound like a complete idiot, but 
> I'm wondering if there's anyone here who would help me to figure out 
> what the safest and most confidential way is to communicate with 
> people (some academics) in a country at war. I would like to reach out 
> to some people for a story I am working on. Popping off a random email 
> doesn't seem like a good idea.
> Please contact me directly.
> Thanks.
> Sarah
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