[liberationtech] Announcing a new Data Leadership Program & Call for Participation

Allen Gunn gunner at aspirationtech.org
Sun Mar 6 20:27:07 CET 2022

Hello LT,

We are excited to let you know about a new peer learning Data Leadership 
program being launched by Aspiration, Digital Public and Fenris which we 
believe has lots of overlap with LT-relevant issues.

Thanks in advance if you can help amplify and spread the word to your 
networks and communities...

Our first-ever Data Leadership Cohort will provide an opportunity for 
emerging data leaders to meet, learn, and build connections with each 
other as they work through challenges and opportunities in governing 
data resources, designing data-intensive platforms, and procuring data 

This group will explore Data Leadership in the broader context of Data 
Governance, recognizing that our work exists in an ecosystem. The cohort 
will employ a co-learning framework refined over the last 15 years by 
Aspiration and allies.

Full information can be found at


The deadline for expressing interest is Friday 11 March.

For those of you who speak Twitter, a re-Tweetable is here:


And we are grateful for any amplification you might offer there or 

We welcome inquiries, questions and feedback.

thanks & peace,

Allen Gunn
Executive Director, Aspiration

Aspiration: "Better Tools for a Better World"

Read our Manifesto: https://aspirationtech.org/publications/manifesto

Twitter:  www.twitter.com/aspirationtech

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