[liberationtech] Academic Research on Compliance within the Software Industry

Evelyn Kempe ekempe1 at umbc.edu
Mon Jan 31 02:42:25 CET 2022


Do you build software or work with people who do? Do you care about
building safe, secure, and privacy-respecting software?  Do you want
to help shape compliance practices within the software industry? If
your answer is yes, take our 20-minute survey.

We want to understand how software practitioners perceive and
experience regulatory and security standard compliance in the
industry. We want to know what compliance practices are practical
versus what is on the books.

Here is the link to the survey:

I am a doctorate student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore
County, researching regulatory compliance within the Software
Industry. Prior work in this area includes a targeted interview study
published in the peer-reviewed Requirements Engineering Conference in

This survey has been approved by the UMBC IRB and titled “Enabling
Regulatory Compliance for Software Engineering.”  To contact the
Research Protections and Compliance Office either call at 410-455-2737
or email at compliance at umbc.edu.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reply to this email.

Thank you,
Evelyn Kempe

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