[liberationtech] Call for Papers: Limits within Computing Workshop

Doug Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Tue Jan 11 23:33:14 CET 2022

Call for Papers: Limits within Computing Workshop

About LIMITS 2022
The LIMITS workshop concerns the role of computing in human societies
affected by real-world limits*. As an interdisciplinary group of
researchers, practitioners, and scholars, we seek to reshape the computing
research agenda, grounded by an awareness that contemporary computing
research is intertwined with ecological  limits in general  and climate-
and climate justice-related limits in particular. LIMITS 2022 solicits
submissions that move us closer towards computing systems that support
diverse human and non-human lifeforms within thriving biospheres.

2022 Call for Papers
We welcome scholarship by researchers, engineers, designers, and artists
who are (re)designing computing systems that engage pressing ecological
issues. Building on provocations from earlier LIMITS gatherings, we
encourage papers that describe transitional systems. Transitional systems
attempt to (re)design, implement, and/or evaluate a real-world or
hypothetical socio-technical computing system in response to "implications
for design" raised by earlier LIMITS papers or LIMITS-related scholarship
in the areas of computing and sustainability, computing and

All papers should explicitly state how the work supports LIMITS-aligned
goals. We also encourage authors to consider the stories they tell and
reify through their work. As Constanza-Chock reminds us, "Stories have
power". They ask us to consider, "(...) what stories are told about design
problems, solutions, contexts, and outcomes? Who gets to tell these
stories? Who participates, who benefits, and who is harmed?" (p. 134)

* For example, limits of extractive logics, limits to a biosphere's ability
to recover, limits to our knowledge, or limits to technological "solutions".

Reference: Costanza-Chock, S. (2020). Design justice: Community-led
practices to build the worlds we need. The MIT Press.

Key Dates
Abstract registration deadline: March 18, 2022, 11:59pm Pacific Time
Paper submission deadline: April 1, 2022, 11:59pm Pacific Time
Paper reviews available: April 29, 2022
Camera ready deadline: May 20, 2022
Limits Workshop: June 21-22, 2022

Workshop Format
In 2022, LIMITS will be a virtual, distributed workshop. We welcome
participants to organize local gatherings or "limits-hubs" that encourage
community-building and sharing of infrastructure.

A link for paper registration will be available through
https://computingwithinlimits.org/2022/ two weeks before the registration

Papers should adhere to the following guidelines:
. ACM double-column format
http://www.acm.org/publications/article-templates/proceedings-template.html ,
using the most recent template, but without ACM copyright information.
. Main body text should use 9pt font.
. Body of the paper should be a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 10
pages, with an unlimited number of pages allowed for references.

Reviewing will be non-blind; authors should include their names and contact
information and reviews will include reviewer names.

All papers will be made freely available on the workshop website. Copyright
will remain with the authors.

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Twitter: @doug_schuler

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