[liberationtech] Web3 is BS
Richard Brooks
rrb at g.clemson.edu
Mon Feb 21 18:33:20 CET 2022
Cloudflare, CAPCHA's, and possibly web 1.0 are the
real dystopian technologies. I, for one, would be
much happier if they never existed.
On 2/21/22 11:48, Greg wrote:
> Blockchains solve some problems that existing tech doesn’t solve, and
> HTTPS + DNS insecurity is one of them.
> Video explaining how and why:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLDlEgzZB7eyJ0_Y2U2Y3Vv5kjj7DmeBIM&v=u1IIK8e3A6Q
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLDlEgzZB7eyJ0_Y2U2Y3Vv5kjj7DmeBIM&v=u1IIK8e3A6Q>
> It’s a shame that so little progress on this has been made, and that
> Brave, the only browser to do ENS resolution, chose to send it by
> default through CloudFlare, defeating the entire point of blockchain
> resolution.
> Cheers,
> Greg
>> On Feb 21, 2022, at 8:02 AM, Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
>> <alps6085 at gmail.com <mailto:alps6085 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> I thinks it’s not “to give up” but rather to keep it in the tech realm
>> and not to expect it’s a “silver bullet!”
>> Best Regards | Cordiales Saludos | Yakoke,
>> Andrés L. Pacheco Sanfuentes
>> <alps at acm.org <mailto:alps at acm.org>>
>> +1 (817) 754-0431
>>> On Feb 21, 2022, at 9:07 AM, Richard Brooks <rrb at g.clemson.edu
>>> <mailto:rrb at g.clemson.edu>> wrote:
>>> So. Your suggestion is give up?
>>> I find web3 has some interesting aspects. I do not think
>>> it has found the right applications yet.
>>> Will it kill capitalism or reform social media, no? I do
>>> think it has potential to do more than other things evolving
>>> right now.
>>> On 2/21/22 09:36, Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes wrote:
>>>> Right On.
>>>> It’s a political issue. Technology just obfuscates the whole thing,
>>>> the mirage of progress. Techie Messianism.
>>>> Best Regards | Cordiales Saludos | Yakoke,
>>>> Andrés L. Pacheco Sanfuentes
>>>> <alps at acm.org <mailto:alps at acm.org> <mailto:alps at acm.org
>>>> <mailto:alps at acm.org>>>
>>>> +1 (817) 754-0431
>>>>> On Feb 21, 2022, at 8:06 AM, Yosem Companys <ycompanys at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:ycompanys at gmail.com> <mailto:ycompanys at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:ycompanys at gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>>>> I found this to be an interesting post, especially in the context
>>>>> of Liberationtech's having supported the development of Diaspora,
>>>>> one of the most successful federated social networking sites.
>>>>> Elon Musk is right. Web3 is BS.
>>>>> By Maciej Baron
>>>>> Jan 9 2022
>>>>> <https://maciekbaron.medium.com/elon-musk-is-right-web3-is-bs-1cdafc3f96f7
>>>>> <https://maciekbaron.medium.com/elon-musk-is-right-web3-is-bs-1cdafc3f96f7>
>>>>> <https://maciekbaron.medium.com/elon-musk-is-right-web3-is-bs-1cdafc3f96f7
>>>>> <https://maciekbaron.medium.com/elon-musk-is-right-web3-is-bs-1cdafc3f96f7>>>
>>>>> To put it mildly, I am not Elon’s biggest fan. He’s an ignorant,
>>>>> narcissistic, reckless, self-indulgent buffoon who treats his
>>>>> employees like crap, and who just happens to be amazing at
>>>>> marketing himself, which helped him become a billionaire, despite
>>>>> running unprofitable companies.
>>>>> Musk however, recently tweeted something that I wholeheartedly
>>>>> agree with: “Web3 sounds like bs”.
>>>>> Web3 is an idea, which even Bloomberg admitted is a bit hazy, which
>>>>> suggests we can achieve a decentralised World Wide Web using
>>>>> blockchains. The proponents of this concept like to talk about how
>>>>> Web 2.0 became centralised and controlled by big corporations, and
>>>>> how blockchains, crypto and NFTs can help “give the power back to
>>>>> the people”.
>>>>> This all sounds wonderful and looks good on paper, but in reality,
>>>>> it’s simply bullshit.
>>>>> WebBs
>>>>> Web3 is bullshit on several different levels, but most importantly,
>>>>> it confuses a political and power-relationship problem with a
>>>>> technological one. According to Web3 believers, blockchain is the
>>>>> technology that can finally allow the Web to go back to its
>>>>> decentralised roots. The truth is, blockchains are not only useless
>>>>> in achieving that, we already have the technology to do that.
>>>>> ActivityPub is a protocol that has been available for years, and
>>>>> which inspired the creation of fairly successful decentralised,
>>>>> federated social networks such as Mastodon. Any community can
>>>>> create their own ActivityPub instance which is controlled by them —
>>>>> even a single user can create their own server instance if they
>>>>> want to, and federate with other instances. It’s a beautiful
>>>>> architecture that allows people to control who has access to their
>>>>> feeds, and what sort of feeds they are exposed to.
>>>>> So why haven’t we seen a mass exodus of people from Twitter and
>>>>> Facebook to Mastodon, or similar platforms? The technology is
>>>>> there, the platform is there — all it takes is to register and switch.
>>>>> The reason for this is that platforms like Twitter have already
>>>>> achieved enormous power and influence, and a large user base that
>>>>> simply stays where most of the people they follow are. There are
>>>>> plenty of stories of people switching over to Mastodon, only to
>>>>> return to Twitter shortly after, because that’s “where all the
>>>>> action is”. Companies like Twitter spend millions on “customer
>>>>> retention”; they help big brands improve their presence online and
>>>>> give users plenty of reasons to stay and stick to Twitter.
>>>>> The monopolistic nature of the biggest social media platforms is
>>>>> also beneficial to other companies, which can streamline their
>>>>> advertising and marketing campaigns — this benefits the wider
>>>>> capitalist system. The monopoly of the big players is a natural
>>>>> result of the system we have in place.
>>>>> The Web3 thinking is based on the naive technocratic assumption
>>>>> that technology and “smart ideas” can solve most of our societal
>>>>> problems. Its naivety also expands to the belief that free-market
>>>>> capitalism is the solution to the encroachment of monopolies, and
>>>>> not the system that is in fact actively creating and enlarging them.
>>>>> There isn’t a technology that will solve this, and this isn’t
>>>>> happening because of a lack of a certain technology. We already
>>>>> have tools to create a decentralised web, and blockchains aren’t
>>>>> even the right technology to begin with.
>>>>> Blockchains, NFTs and crypto-bullshit
>>>>> A blockchain is a form of a digital ledger, which consists of
>>>>> records called blocks. Such a database is managed autonomously
>>>>> using a peer-to-peer network, meaning there is no main, centralised
>>>>> machine controlling the whole infrastructure. Instead everything is
>>>>> controlled collectively by all the nodes connected to the network.
>>>>> The main purpose of a blockchain, and really the only reason it can
>>>>> be made useful, is to record transactions. It is admittedly a
>>>>> fairly clever way of avoiding the double spending problem — when a
>>>>> digital token is spent twice (or multiple times), that is,
>>>>> transferred to multiple destinations at once. This is also why, so
>>>>> far, the only major use of blockchains is for digital currency, and
>>>>> artificially scarce digital assets (Non-Fungible Tokens — NFTs).
>>>>> Some people have suggested that NFTs could be used for recording
>>>>> things like deeds and property titles, but it makes little sense to
>>>>> use blockchains for recording anything physical or anything that
>>>>> requires off-chain validation, authorisation, authentication or
>>>>> confirmation — even if we consider the use of oracles. Blockchains
>>>>> only make sense in a digital-only world, and only for transactional
>>>>> data — and so far nobody came up with a compelling dapp idea
>>>>> (decentralized application) that is not tied to cryptocurrency in
>>>>> any way.
>>>>> This is why when some Web3 evangelists talk about how social media
>>>>> is centralised and how blockchains can help, you know they’re
>>>>> bullshitting you.
>>>>> Social media posts are not transactional data. You may have “likes”
>>>>> that you can give to posts, but the double spending problem is not
>>>>> relevant here, because you have an unrestricted and unlimited
>>>>> supply of “likes”. We already have decades old technologies like
>>>>> PGP which can prove the authenticity of a post. We already have
>>>>> distributed, peer-to-peer technologies allowing for
>>>>> censorship-proof, decentralised storage of data (such as WebTorrent
>>>>> used by PeerTube).
>>>>> Unstoppable Domains looks okay on paper, but it’s a for-profit
>>>>> solution that isn’t really as decentralised as it pretends to be:
>>>>> you still have to go through UD to purchase domains. Moreover,
>>>>> getting around a DNS block is quite trivial, and “unstoppable”
>>>>> domains won’t solve the problem of a hard IP block by your IPS if
>>>>> used as a DNS provider.
>>>>> Projects like the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) are
>>>>> interesting, and were already used to fight against censorship.
>>>>> However, the pricing model is slightly obfuscated, the cost of
>>>>> “pinning” (permanent storage) is a few times higher compared to
>>>>> regular storage solutions. If you’re using a company like Pinata to
>>>>> host (“pin”) your content and guarantee its permanence while you
>>>>> pay a monthly fee, you should start asking yourself how much
>>>>> decentralisation you are really left with if you still rely on your
>>>>> hosting provider and on the caching policy of independent nodes.
>>>>> Moreover, we already have magnet links, Tor Onion services and
>>>>> platforms like FreeNet, which is nearly 22 years old now (the web
>>>>> itself is only 9 years older).
>>>>> The technology is already here! We have had similar technologies
>>>>> for decades now! …and new technology is not what we need to fight
>>>>> the enormous power of the biggest platforms. That’s bullshit.
>>>>> [snip]
>>>>> --
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