[liberationtech] Recommended tech, apps, procedures

Hapee hapee at hapee.org
Wed Nov 24 07:39:13 CET 2021

Dear Joel,

you are touching on a lot of topics and I can refer you to some of it 
but can you explain what new "denied aria" means?

for VPN have a look at Outline: https://getoutline.org/

for circumvention have a look at: https://getlantern.org/en_US/index.html

of psiphon https://psiphon.ca/

Kind regards,



On 23-11-2021 17:58, Joel Harding wrote:

> I've been lurking for the past decade or so. Now I need to recommend 
> Circumvention Technology to be used in a new "denied area".
> Can anybody recommend non-compromised firewalls, VPNs, data 
> encryption, secure data storage, etc for folks in a denied area? Any 
> recommended tactics, techniques, and procedures manuals? Policies?
> Very Respectfully,
> Joel Harding
> -- 
> Joel Harding
> http://toinformistoinfluence.com
> (703) 362-8582
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