[liberationtech] 10th International Conference on Communities & Technologies — early bird registration

Doug Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Fri May 28 16:48:00 CEST 2021


This is a friendly reminder that our early bird registration for the *10th
International Conference on Communities & Technologies (C&T), *to be held
June 20-25, ends tomorrow Friday, May 28, at midnight. Due to the Covid-19
Pandemic, it will be held virtually online with reduced main conference
early bird registration fees of $150 standard / $100 student.

*Learn more and register here: https://2021.comtech.community/

We have a really fantastic program lined up, thanks to the hard work of our
organizing committee and all the amazing papers, case studies, posters, and
workshops accepted to our program, focused on our 2021 theme "Wicked
Problems in the Age of Tech".  Check out our At-a-Glance program
highlights below.

*C&T 2021 Program At a Glance*








*June 21*

*June 21*

*June 22*

*June 23*

*June 24*

*June 25*


Welcome Lobby

Welcome Lobby

Welcome Lobby

Welcome Lobby

Welcome Lobby

Welcome Lobby


Community Day

Workshop A: The Arts-based Creative Approaches
(half day)

Workshop B:
The Ethical Approaches to Smart Environments
(half day)

Workshop C:
The Grassroots Communities (full day)


Paper Session D:
Social Media


Opening Keynote:
*Kate Starbird*
Revealing the “Big Lie”: Collaborative Data Science for Rapid Response to
Online Disinformation

Closing Keynote:

*Shalini Kantayya*Beyond Coded Bias: Data Rights as Human Rights


Coffee Break

Coffee Break

Coffee Break

Coffee Break


Community Day

Paper Session A:
C&T in a Pandemic

Paper Session E: Community and Collaboration 1

Paper Session G:
Sustainable Communities







Community Day

Paper Session B:
Civic Engagement

Paper Session F: Community and Collaboration 2

Paper Session H: Food and Agriculture


Coffee Break

Coffee Break

Coffee Break


Coffee Break


Community Day

Poster Session

Town Hall and Closing


Paper Session C:
Special Topics



See our detailed program here: https://2021.comtech.community/program/

*More about C&T 2021:*

The biennial International Conference on Communities & Technologies (C&T)
is the premier international forum for stimulating debate and disseminating
research on the complex connections between communities – in their multiple
forms – and information and communication technologies. C&T is brought to
you by EUSSET, the European Society for Socially Embedded Systems, who also
brings you ECSCW.

The theme of C&T 2021 is “Wicked Problems in the Age of Tech
<https://2021.comtech.community/2020/06/13/2021-theme/>,” inviting
participants to examine the positive and negative implications of new
trends in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) impacting
communities, civil society and the common good.  Papers and proposals were
accepted from a variety of relevant perspectives including technology,
philosophy, social sciences, policy, design, business, art, the humanities,
and so on.

We are very much looking forward to seeing you in June!



*Shelly D. Farnham, Ph.D.*

General Chair

C&T 2021 <https://2021.comtech.community/>

Get updates on Twitter @comtech2021 <https://twitter.com/comtech2021>,
Facebook <https://t.co/BRkyqbt3zL?amp=1>, or by requesting to join our
mailing list <https://groups.google.com/g/ct2021>.

***** Program Committee *****

*Program Co-chairs*

   - *Kentaro Toyama, *W.K. Kellogg Professor of Community Information at
   the University of Michigan School of Information
   - *Sara Fox, *Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in the
   Human Computer Interaction Institute, Director of the Tech Solidarity Lab,
   and founding member of the Community-Tech Collective

*Case Studies Co-Chairs*

   - *Maria Menendez-Blanco, *Assistant Professor at  the Computer Science
   department of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
   - *Giacomo Poderi*, Assistant Professor, Digital Design Department, IT
   University of Copenhagen

*Workshop Co-Chairs*

   - *Anne Weibert, *Research Associate at the Universitat Siegen
   - *Jasmine Jones, *Assistant Professor in Computer and Information
   Science at Berea College

*Posters and Demos Co-Chairs*

   - *Anna De Liddo*, Senior Research Fellow at KMi (Knowledge Media
   Institute), The Open University, in Milton Keynes (UK), working on
   Collective Intelligence and online deliberation See idea.kmi.open.ac.uk
   - *Yuheng Hu*, Assistant Professor at Information and Decision Sciences,
   University of Illinois at Chicago

*Proceedings Chair*

   - *Florian Cech, *Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of
   Technology and Center for Informatics and Society // CIS

*Social Media Chair*

   - *Tanja Ertl,* PhD Student, Department of Information Systems, esp. IT
   for the Aging Society, University of Siegen

*Student Volunteers Co-Chairs*

   - *Konstantin Aal, *PhD Student, Department for Business Informatics and
   New Media of the University of Siegen
   - *Madison Snider, *PhD Candidate, Department of Communication,
   University of Washington

*Community Day Chair*

   - *Douglas Schuler, *Professor Emeritus, The Evergreen State College,
   and Executive Director, Public Sphere Project

*General Organizing Committee*

   - *Douglas Schuler, *Professor Emeritus, The Evergreen State College,
   and Executive Director, Public Sphere Project
   - *Chris Coward* Senior Principal Research Scientist at the University
   of Washington Information School, director of the Technology & Social
   Change Group, and co-founder of the Center for an Informed Public.
   - *Adrienne Russell* Mary Laird Wood Professor of Communication and
   co-director of the Center of Journalism, Media, and Democracy in the
   Department of Communication.

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Twitter: @doug_schuler

Public Sphere Project

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