[liberationtech] The bitcoin terrorists of Idlib are learning new tricks
Marc Sunet
msunet at shellblade.net
Fri May 21 03:12:47 CEST 2021
"...but the men’s eyes remain locked on the price chart – they are
trying to turn $10 into $20."
Constantinople, here I come...
On 4/7/21 5:49 AM, grarpamp wrote:
>> https://www.wired.co.uk/article/bitcoin-crypto-terrorism-syria
> Anti-crypto FUD. Go look at all what kind of murder
> crime fraud etc the govts and everyone else does with
> many billions of dollars, rubles, yuan, etc.
> While both have similar crime ratios, fiat is still much
> larger net usage thus it carries magnitudes more crime.
> But fake news media wouldn't get any propaganda jobs,
> money, or influence in honestly reporting that fiat story.
>> learning ... crypto
> Yes learn and adopt distributed crypto, move past all your
> colosally obese growing governments that are starting shit,
> stomping around the world murdering thousand and thousands,
> torturing, prisoning, starving, stealing money from you under
> threat of death to stuff their own crony wallets, spyveillancing and
> passporting you entire life forever, FUD program on 24x7 in your fake
> news, plotting more ways for GovCorp power to keep sucking your life.
> Soon you won't even have the cash they keep printing to intentionally
> devalue your wealth and living ability with, saddling you with
> more and more of their wasted debt load... since they
> are now officially rolling out their worthless cashless society
> fake crypto fiat called Central Bank Digital Currencies CBDC's,
> MMT and UBI to screw and spy and control you even more, turn you
> off and forfeit you in a second, and cancel your activism,
> freespeech, dissent, freedom... totalitarian control in the extreme.
> Govt lately saying you cant secede to have bit of independence
> and freedom (catalan, hong kong, taiwan, etc...), locking
> you down fining you shutting down your business all 2020 corona,
> politicians baldly lying being idiots on your news, social
> scoring gone insane. Yet not a peep of effective resistance.
> Wake up sheeple, to what in the world is happening.
> GovCorp trying to end your monetary freedom,
> cashless, etc is no joke... you will lose remaining freedom.
> You are free beautiful people.
> You don't need them or their crap anymore.
> You have crypto, can organize and do and build
> and teach and roads and charity and health and
> live as you wish locally and wider, voluntarily, together.
> Go create freedom.
> Here are some surrounding subjects hinted in article,
> with two of them exposing a big underlying problem...
> http://monzer.kahf.com/fatawa/FATAWA_CURRENCIES_GOLD_COMMODITIES.pdf
> https://decrypt.co/37286/is-bitcoin-halal
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Rqw4krMOug
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXsEZeNE288
> https://soundcloud.com/radioislam/is-bitcoin-halal-or-haram
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyZIoOZj46E
> ps: Govts about to start WWIII. If you adopted
> crypto like crypto libertarians told you, you could easily
> leave funding their wars, and them, off the list of
> things you choose to pay for.
> Your old "voting" obviously didn't get you any more freedom,
> maybe the new distributed privacy crypto hotness will.
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