[liberationtech] urgent help needed - tools for organising distributed mass protests

Kevin Shockey shockeyk at gmail.com
Mon May 17 15:53:53 CEST 2021

To start I'll assume we're talking cell phones, and maybe some servers and
WiFi. Do we know more?

Distribution and setup could be a simple front end application distributed
with the install package. Which I believe for phones just points it to
where the app can be downloaded (local server). This install image can be
shared easily between phones.

I seem to remember some lightweight apps somewhere, but I can't remember or
locate the site just now.

On Mon, May 17, 2021 at 9:34 AM Yishay Mor <yishaym at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello LibTechers,
> I'm sure I don't need to tell you about the situation in Israel /
> Palestine these days. I'm involved with one of the leading anti-war /
> anti-occupation / pro-coexistence organisations here. They have been
> organising joint Jewish-Arab protests across the country, and are looking
> for technological tools that will help them coordinate and mobilse. From
> what I understand, the requirements are:
>  * easy to setup and maintain. when I say easy, I mean as in "click this
> button", not "sudo apt-get this package and then run make". they have
> literally zero tech competence.
> * allows users to:
> ++ initiate a time and place for a protest event
> ++ sign up for whatsapp / signal / telegram updates in their region
> ++ find information about local protest events and initiatives
> ++ share information with friends
> ++ report incidents (e.g. attacks from pro-violence mobs) and share media
> from events.
> any suggestions?
> thanks,
> Yishay
> ________________________________
> learning; design; technology; research
>    http://www.yishaymor.org
>   +972 52 6514574 (mobile)
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