[liberationtech] 5g health effects?

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Wed Mar 3 06:35:11 CET 2021

Those believe evolution understand that other than the natural
cosmic and Earth radiations... the entirety of what evolved before
and into todays, humans, thus has zero exposure or known defense
capability to any new RF of last ~100yr. If RF proves not bad, no
problem. If ever shown bad, you're fucked since who going to remove
it now, world can't even remove its known cancer particles from air...
and isnt going to shut down major comms nets, that have no alts,
anytime soon either. But you can still shield your room home, use
hardwired, hunt down stupid wifi, etc. If does resonate harmonic ionize
absorb to any element of body ... is possible problem to go research.

Also anything that does alter evolved phys psych social econ enviro
freedom can be risk... cellphone internet attention addiction lazy spying
costs recycle permission censor shutdown canceled eyefocus
relationships etc. These already becoming known problems.

Would maybe be better for urban areas to have lots small anon RF
cell spots plugged into hardwire internet in homes/biz to at
least cut max power levels even more than central 2g->5g
towers do. But govcorps won't do the anon model, so you
are still put in another id-name-location-account database of

Nor did you start laying own private p2p guerrilla mesh internet
fiber yet around neighbor city world. So you still have nothing
freedom to plug any future safer comms into, and govcorp still
rules over you. Stop begging them on knees. Start building.

You still getting ionized from nuke weapons testing,
airplane altitudes, xray medics, etc.

Maybe you not die, but next years of humanity is unknown.


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