[liberationtech] 5g health effects?

3gg 3gg at shellblade.net
Mon Mar 1 01:40:46 CET 2021

I don't mean to contradict anything stated, but the first one states (if 
I understand correctly) that RF radiation from phones in particular 
"should be regarded as a human carcinogen causing glioma." I think that 
goes a bit beyond the basic principles of ovens and the sun?

In your last statement, are you saying the health risk is acceptable 
because you get to at least use your phone?

Thank you,


On 2/28/21 4:32 PM, Bill Woodcock wrote:
>> On Mar 1, 2021, at 1:09 AM, 3gg <3gg at shellblade.net> wrote:
>> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5376454/
>> https://www.iarc.who.int/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/pr208_E.pdf
>> Do you have any concerns with those studies and the results?
> Nope, they’re just documenting the basic principle upon which microwave ovens operate.  And phones.  And the sun.  Etc.
>> I also don't understand the last part; if RF exposure does have adverse health effects, what exactly is the net win, and for whom?
> Reducing RF exposure is a net win for anyone who wishes to be exposed to less of it.  I wish to be exposed to less RF energy, yet I would like to still be able to use a mobile phone.  Therefore, I’m very much in favor of 5g, since it allows me to use a mobile phone which transmits less RF energy into me.
> This is physics, but it’s pretty elementary.  There’s no mystery here.
>                                  -Bill
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