[liberationtech] 5g health effects?

3gg 3gg at shellblade.net
Mon Mar 1 02:37:52 CET 2021

That makes sense, thank you. What isn't yet very clear to me is the 
absolute scale of things. Where on that radiation scale would a 
deployment of 5g lie at, what magnitudes are considered harmful by 
recent research, and who backed that research?

I cannot navigate these papers without getting lost, but hopefully you 
can share your insights.

Thank you,


On 2/28/21 4:52 PM, Bill Woodcock wrote:
>> On Mar 1, 2021, at 1:40 AM, 3gg <3gg at shellblade.net> wrote:
>> In your last statement, are you saying the health risk is acceptable because you get to at least use your phone?
> No.  This isn’t about acceptable or not acceptable.  That’s subjective, and different for different people.
> This is just about “more” or “less.”
>                                  -Bill
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