[liberationtech] 5g health effects?

3gg 3gg at shellblade.net
Sun Feb 28 22:28:30 CET 2021

Hello folks,

Are any of you particularly acquainted with the health effects/risks of 
5g (and generally other radiation)? Could you enlighten us on what the 
current situation on that front is?

A quick run around the neighbourhood here in the US of A stumbled me 
upon two flyers warning about potential health risks. The flyers had the 
Illuminati pyramid eye and all. A quick search on the Web pulls a whole 
bunch of garbage, but I found two links on the issue that appear to be 



Of course, I cannot pretend that I will understand the issue better by 
reading scientific journals, which is why I am turning to the vast pool 
of knowledge of Liberation Tech for guidance.

Thank you,


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