[liberationtech] Signal ignores proxy censorship vulnerability, bans researchers

Adam Fisk afisk at getlantern.org
Thu Feb 25 14:01:22 CET 2021

> And the general alternative for the marginalized is Telegram (or, God help
> us all, WhatsApp).  Anyone care to compare and contrast?

I think we're talking past each other a bit here. The point isn't that
people living in censoring countries should not use Signal versus some
other tool. The point is that they can't use Signal because Signal is easy
to censor.

Signal is still unblocked in China, but that's just because no one uses it.
The second most used messaging app in the world is WeChat. That's by far
the biggest problem in this space.


Brave New Software Project, Inc.
https://lantern.io <https://www.getlantern.org>
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