[liberationtech] CFP//CHI2021 Workshop: Artificially Intelligent Technology for/with the Margins: a Multidisciplinary Design Agenda
Aal, Konstantin
konstantin.aal at uni-siegen.de
Tue Feb 16 11:47:07 CET 2021
Dear all,
I think this might be interesting for many here on the list.
My Best,
Konstantin Aal (on behalf of the team)
CHI 2021, Mai 8-13
"Artificially Intelligent Technology for/with the Margins: a Multidisciplinary Design Agendaâ
Early Submission Deadline: February 21, 2021 (extended)
Early Notifications: March 7, 2021
Final Submission Deadline: March 14, 2021
Final Notifications: March 28, 2021
Workshop Date: May 7-8, 2021 (one-day online workshop)
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) into social, health, and public sectors could bring promising benefits. However, these technologies lead to several challenges, e.g., privacy concerns, unfairness, and the increase of marginalization. Thus, it is essential that more attention is given on how we design such systems for/with marginalized populations.
This workshop will provide a forum to exchange experiences on designing technologies for/with marginalized people and AI/ML driven technologies. We will explore potential tools to support designing AI/ML systems with marginalized people, and develop a design agenda. We use a broad definition of marginalized people that may include, but is not limited to, people of/with low socioeconomic status, disabilities and migration histories.
We invite researchers, practitioners and community members interested in the aforementioned topic to submit a 2-4 page position paper. Submissions should critically reflect on current projects and/or present challenges and approaches. In particular, we encourage submissions about:
* case studies with marginalized people and/or AI/ML,
* design methods used with marginalized people that may be transferable to the design of AI/ML technologies,
* past experiences illustrating positive or negative outcomes of AI/ML in this context.
Early Submission Deadline: February 21, 2021 (extended).
Early Notification: March 7, 2021
Final Submission Deadline: March 14, 2021
Final Notification: March 28, 2021
Submissions should be sent to techforthemargins at gmail.com<mailto:techforthemargins at gmail.com>
Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance, and diversity. At least one author of each accepted position paper must register and attend the workshop and register for at least one day of the conference.
The workshop is scheduled to take place on May 7 JST 2200 - May 8 JST 0200 / May 7 EDT 0900-1300 / May 7 CEST 1500-1900, 2021.
More details about the workshop and the organizers could be found at https://techforthemargins.wordpress.com
Workshop Organizers:
Franziska Tachtler, HCI Group, TU Wien
Konstantin Aal, Institute for Information Systems and New Media, University of Siegen
Tanja Ertl, Information Systems, esp. IT for the Ageing Society, University of Siegen
Daniel Diethei, University of Bremen
Jasmin Niess, University of Bremen
Mohammed Khwaja, Imperial College London
Reem Talhouk, Northumbria University
Giovanna Nunes Vilaza, Technical University of Denmark
Shaimaa Lazem, SRTA-City, Egypt
Aneesha Singh, UCL Interaction Centre
Marguerite Barry, University College Dublin
Volker Wulf, Institute for Information Systems and New Media, University of Siegen
Geraldine Fitzpatrick, HCI Group, TU Wien
Konstantin Aal
Research assistant and PhD student
pronouns: he/him/his
Information Systems and New Media
SFB 1187 "Medien der Kooperation"
University of Siegen
Kohlbettstr. 15, 57072 Siegen
Raum. US-E-102
Tel. +49 (0)271 / 740 3383
Mob. +49 (0)176 / 30 780 007
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