[liberationtech] Defund Big Tech, Refund Community: Another Tech is Possible
Dr. Drissia CHOUIT Educational Channel
chouitdrissia at gmail.com
Sun Feb 7 07:23:26 CET 2021
Great Work! Thank you for sharing it!
Le sam. 6 févr. 2021 à 02:50, Doug Schuler <douglas at publicsphereproject.org>
a écrit :
> For the past 7 months, a group of us has been working on a report titled
> "Defund Big Tech, Refund Community: Another Tech is Possible”. In this
> report, we dive into the history of public investment in technologies at
> the foundation of Big Tech, and the imbalances between these investments
> and the returns to the public sector. We delve into the problematic labor
> and user relations underlining the value-creation machine Big Tech has
> assembled, and the perverse social and environmental costs of these
> socio-technical systems. We set out arguments for why Big Tech should be
> defunded, and offer potential actions Big Tech companies, governments and
> policymakers, tech workers, researchers, civil society organizations,
> social movements and individual citizens could take to redirect resources.
> We end by offering prospects for what refunding community could look like, *how
> another tech is possible.*
> We hope you can read it, it is posted here
> https://techotherwise.pubpub.org/defund-big-tech. Please feel free to
> share across your network.
> Thanks!
> — Doug
> PS. We also started a Tech Otherwise channel which we're hoping we can put
> to good use as time goes on. The results of two other workshops are also on
> the channel.
> --
> Douglas Schuler
> douglas at publicsphereproject.org
> Twitter: @doug_schuler
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