[liberationtech] Defund Big Tech, Refund Community: Another Tech is Possible
bo0od at riseup.net
Sun Feb 7 16:03:14 CET 2021
Nice speech but sorry to say it cant be on real because to be on real
you need to take down the corrupted system which is protecting these
evil big techs like microsoft,amazon,netflix..etc, And to take down the
corrupted system you need to take down or filter as well FBI,NSA,CIA,
Some police and military departments because whether you like it or not
these are heavily involved into the protection and driving these mega
corp to where they are now and later.
Check for e.g:
- Joe Rogan Experience #1536 - Edward Snowden
- The Corporation
- EUROPA: The Last Battle (Not allowed to be on Youtube= Which is
exactly the freedom of speech!)
or wikileaks or... Endless corruption.
Raymond Saner:
> Doug, great and timely initiative!
> Raymond
> From: LT [mailto:lt-bounces at lists.liberationtech.org] On Behalf Of Doug Schuler
> Sent: Saturday, 6 February 2021 02:33
> To: LT <lt at lists.liberationtech.org>
> Subject: [liberationtech] Defund Big Tech, Refund Community: Another Tech is Possible
> For the past 7 months, a group of us has been working on a report titled "Defund Big Tech, Refund Community: Another Tech is Possible”. In this report, we dive into the history of public investment in technologies at the foundation of Big Tech, and the imbalances between these investments and the returns to the public sector. We delve into the problematic labor and user relations underlining the value-creation machine Big Tech has assembled, and the perverse social and environmental costs of these socio-technical systems. We set out arguments for why Big Tech should be defunded, and offer potential actions Big Tech companies, governments and policymakers, tech workers, researchers, civil society organizations, social movements and individual citizens could take to redirect resources. We end by offering prospects for what refunding community could look like, how another tech is possible.
> We hope you can read it, it is posted here https://techotherwise.pubpub.org/defund-big-tech. Please feel free to share across your network.
> Thanks!
> — Doug
> PS. We also started a Tech Otherwise channel which we're hoping we can put to good use as time goes on. The results of two other workshops are also on the channel.
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