[liberationtech] [Inclusion] One of my 9th grade students, Mahfuz Salifh, is flourishing

Jayne Cravens jayne at coyotebroad.com
Wed Feb 3 00:49:55 CET 2021

Thanks, Phil. So, to be clear, you do this on your own, entirely
independently, not a part of any nonprofit or government organization? 

Just curious.  

>> Could you remind us what your program is that you work with these 
>> students? Web site that talks more about this effort?
> Thanks for asking, Jayne.  I mostly work as a volunteer.  Been doing volunteer 
> computer refurbishing for about 25 years here in the Washington DC-area. 
> The best record of work I've done is in the archive of emails on the E-Democracy 
> Digital Inclusion Network email list -- at 
> http://forums.e-democracy.org/groups/inclusion 
> and the articles I've written for Opensource.com 
> https://opensource.com/user_articles/13589 
> Just recently I was appointed the chair of the digital empowerment group in 
> a nonprofit named KindWorks.   (http://dokindworks.org).  In that role, I'm coordinating 
> about ten other computer refurbishing volunteers. It feels great to be working as part of team. 
> Computer refurbishing is also now an official part of my public library job.  I set aside five 
> hours per week of my library job for doing computer refurbishing work.

Ms. Jayne Cravens MSc
Portland, Oregon, USA

The web site - http://www.coyotebroad.com
Me on Twitter, other social networks, & my blog: 

Author: The Last Virtual Volunteering Guidebook
More about the book, and how to buy it 
(as a paperback or as an e-book):

On 2021-02-02 10:07, Phil Shapiro wrot

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