[liberationtech] Please help formulate the next Computer Science curriculum

Doug Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Wed Dec 29 05:35:31 CET 2021

*Opportunity to Inform the CS202x effort*

Excited—or anxious—about how computing affects society?

Help determine the future of CS education!!

Please fill out & distribute the "Society, Ethics & Professionalism
Feedback" for CS 202X! The goal CS 202x ACM/IEEE-CS/AAAI Computer Science
Curriculum task force is to develop the CS part of the broad computer
studies curriculum that, if history is the guide, will be used in one form
or another by colleges and universities worldwide. As the chair of SIGCAS,
ACM's Special Interest Group on Computers and Society, I am particularly
interested in how CS students are to be informed and engaged in relation to
society as time goes on.

The task force is seeking feedback and ideas about the "Society, Ethics &
Professionalism" area which is the most pertinent in this regard. I and the
subcommittee working in this area would greatly appreciate your input.

Thanks in advance! (and please feel free to forward this to people who
might be interested)


For your reference, the ACM/IEEE-CS CS2013 report (available at cs2013.org)
listed the following knowledge units in this area and contains high-level
overviews along with details of each.

1) Social Context
2) Analytical Tools
3) Professional Ethics
4) Intellectual Property
5) Privacy and Civil Liberties
6) Professional Communication
7) Sustainability
8) History
9) Economies of Computing
10) Security Policies, Laws and Computer Crimes

Details on the entire CS202X effort is available here:

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Twitter: @doug_schuler

Public Sphere Project

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