[liberationtech] Understanding, Promoting, and Designing for Sustainable Appropriation of Technologies by Grassroots Communities

Doug Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Sat Apr 24 03:09:33 CEST 2021

This seems very relevant to this list .... (This workshop is part of the
Communities and Technologies 2021 conference)

*Understanding, Promoting, and Designing for Sustainable Appropriation of
Technologies by Grassroots Communities. Towards a new wave of technological
activism *

This one-day workshop aims at bringing together C&T researchers and
practitioners interested in understanding, promoting, and designing forms
of sustainable appropriation of contemporary technologies by grassroots

This workshop welcomes contributions illustrating how technology design
researchers and activists can understand, promote, and design for
sustainable appropriation, at an empirical, technical or conceptual level:

   - Empirical cases illustrating the appropriation of existing digital
   technologies by grassroots initiatives’. Contributions might outline the
   role of existing technologies in infrastructuring such initiatives and
   their limitations in organizing action;
   - Technical descriptions of grassroots-oriented technologies and/or of
   the artifact ecologies that grassroots initiatives might adopt;
   - Conceptual contributions illustrating or expanding concepts, values,
   tactics and other socio-cultural aspects that are central to the
   appropriation of technologies by community initiatives. - e.g., commoning,

Workshop organizers

Maurizio Teli, Myriam Lewkowicz, Chiara Rossitto and Susanne Bødker

Read more at:

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Twitter: @doug_schuler

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