[liberationtech] Free online virtual conference "Just Code: Power, Inequality, and the Global Political Economy of IT" PLEASE SHARE

Doug Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Sun Sep 27 22:11:11 CEST 2020

CBI is the leading archives in the world on IT with over 300 collections.
We also have the top oral history program on IT.  A major focus of both our
research institute, my own research, our fellows, our events, is IT history
as it connects to social issues and social justice.  On the archives side
for instance we have the Records of the organization, Computer
Professionals for Social Responsibility, we also have a social issues in
computing collection that includes much on automation, labor, gender,
GLBTQ, race, ethnicity and IT.

We are holding a major Virtual Conf. in Oct. 23, 24.  Hoping you will
attend and hoping you would be willing to share this on listservs and
groups and individuals you have connected with who you think might be

[image: A-Just Code Symposium Flyer image file.jpg]

*"Injustice wears the same harsh face wherever it shows itself."*-Ralph

Jeffrey R. Yost, Ph.D.
Director, Charles Babbage Institute
Research Professor, Program in the History of Science, Technology, and

222  21st Avenue South
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455

612 624 5050 Phone
612 625 8054 Fax

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Twitter: @doug_schuler

Public Sphere Project

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