[liberationtech] social constructionism
Paola Di Maio
paoladimaio10 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 5 09:36:57 CEST 2020
Thank you for sharing the platform coop
I am not sure any single tool.platform.solution can help in this case of
systemic deviation
which is designed to confound peoples ideas and critical ability to see
we should increase our levels of awareness and exercise all our
understanding as much as we can
even the blockchain, I dont mean to say its evil per se, but the way it is
sprayed all over the web and media
as the silver bullet for eveyrhing, yet, it does not have much show
please explain how the blockchain does what it says it does if someone on
this list understands it
On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 1:52 PM davidicus <bigbluearth at gmail.com> wrote:
> This is perhaps why platform co-operatives, particularly those employing
> the 'old school' co-op Rochdale Principles (i.e. one member one vote;
> economic surplus is distributed by the members, etc.) might be a more
> effective way of employing (or volunteering) our 'digital labour' as well
> as 'innovating'--- rather than the class share power hierarchies inherent
> in dog-eat-dog, pyramid of power American style tech oligopo-capitalism.
> See: https://platform.coop
> *David Sadoway * PhD MRM BES(Hons)
> Faculty & Instructor. *Geography & The Environment. *
> Kwantlen Polytechnic University.
> https://www.kpu.ca/arts/geography/faculty/david-sadoway
> https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David_Sadoway
> *KPU is located on the **unceded lands & waters of the Kwantlen, Katzie,
> Musqueum, Tsawwassen, Semihamoo, Qayqayt, Sto:Lo and Kwikwetlen Peoples. *
> On Sun, 4 Oct 2020 at 21:17, Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Someone is creating a version of reality that does not exist
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVCkJ7jLnz0
>> They are so smart, that they will use everything that people believe in -
>> - ideals, their values, freedom, democracy justice to sell more of their
>> social constructions
>> its excellent marketing strategy,
>> (blockchain is a good example of this happening)
>> If you go to someone to sell them a piece of evil (say, a system of lies)
>> and tell them this will bring justice to the world, and it will serve their
>> cause,
>> they may buy it - this is how they managed to fool everybody
>> I am learning to see past labels at my own expense
>> I
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