[liberationtech] [cpsr-activists] Rebuttal to "The Social Dilemma" Movie

Carl Page carlpage at gmail.com
Mon Oct 5 05:05:21 CEST 2020

While those new sites look well thought out and interesting, what really

In 2020 Will Facebook be 95% compliant as a tool for Vladimir Putin to take
over America? Or will it be 75%?

it's nice to imagine a better future. But in 2020, Facebook is where people
live. It's the biggest state in the union. Ignore it at your peril.
Getting Facebook to make some small changes in the right direction can make
a huge impact.

There are some subtle regulatory reasons including anti-trust that enforce
the terrible citizenship  on Facebook even if it's execs would actually
like to do a better job.   Under digital millennium copyright act, which
regulates social media, it's actually illegal to exercise editorial
judgment and implement a preference for what you think is true.

If someone did have a filter for true versus fake information, it would
immediately block Fox News, and most of the other right wing news outlets,
including the statements of conservative politicians.  It is not socially
acceptable to block all conservative bleating. Particularly when they know
it's not true and they're relying on the wisdom of the herd to make their
lies ascendant.
What would the Senate do to Facebook if they started banning posts for
being lies?  It wouldn't even take an act of the legislature. They would
lose their copyright protection. And their business. Immediately.


Time to make sure Spaceship Earth's life support systems are fully
redundant, like a jetliner.

On Sat, Oct 3, 2020, 1:16 PM Paul via cpsr-activists list <
cpsr-activists at lists.cpsr.org> wrote:

> 👍
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