[liberationtech] recruitment for a decentralized file sharing project

Dmitri Vitaliev dmitri at equalit.ie
Fri Oct 2 16:34:03 CEST 2020

Hi Libtech

Since the sun-setting of the libtech-jobs list, posting our latest
recruitment notice to the general list. If you're interested in
decentralization and peer-to-peer (and device-to-device) communications;
motivated by the fight against Internet censorship; have experience
managing projects and ensuring the success of mobile applications; or if
you have experience in developing Android & iOS applications in
particular with the Flutter framework - we have a job for you!

Applications are accepted only when submitted via

Product owner and project manager

/You will lead eQualitie’s efforts to release and grow adoption for a
new peer-to-peer file sharing and synchronization mobile app. Your
responsibilities will include project management, software release
management, contributions to software architecture and design,
communications and coordination with project partners (both technical
and outreach focused) as well as reporting to and liaising with
management. Success will be millions of users around the world using
this technology to share information among each other, irrespective of
network conditions and internet outages./

Mobile app developer for the decentralized web

/eQualitie is seeking an experienced mobile front-end developer who
possesses a passion for pushing mobile technologies to the limits. The
person will work within our team of talented engineers to design and
build an app for easy file sharing and synchronization across the
internet using peer-to-peer technologies./

all the best from Montreal

Dmitri Vitaliev


Director | https://equalit.ie | https://deflect.ca | https://censorship.no
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