[liberationtech] Engels at 200: Friedrich Engels in the Age of Digital Capitalism

Christian Fuchs christian.fuchs at uti.at
Fri Nov 27 16:25:09 CET 2020

Engels at 200: Friedrich Engels in the Age of Digital Capitalism, edited by 
Christian Fuchs, special issue of tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & 


The journal tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique’s special 
issue “Engels at 200: Friedrich Engels in the Age of Digital Capitalism” 
was published on the occasion of Engels’s 200th anniversary. It consists 
of eleven articles that outline the relevance of Engels’s works and 
thought for the critical analysis of digital capitalism and show the 
relevance of Engels in the 21st century.

In an episode of the tripleC podcast that accompanies the special issue, 
Christian Fuchs introduces the relevance of Engels for the critical 
analysis of digital capitalism:

Table of Contents

Engels at 200: Friedrich Engels in the Age of Digital Capitalism. 
Introduction. pp. 1-14
Christian Fuchs

Engels at 200: Friedrich Engels and Digital Capitalism. How Relevant Are 
Engels’s Works
200 Years After His Birth? pp. 15-51.
Christian Fuchs

Engels’s Theory of Social Murder and the Spectacle of Fascism: A Critical
Enquiry into Digital Labour and its Alienation. pp. 52-67
Aishik Saha

Digital Capitalism and Coal Mine Workers. pp. 68-77
Akın Bakioğlu

Revisiting Friedrich Engels’s Dialectics of Nature in an Age of Digital 
Idealism. pp. 78-96
Christopher Leslie

Break or Continuity? Friedrich Engels and the Critique of Digital 
Surveillance. pp. 97-112
Dimitrios Kivotidis

The Digital Economy of the Sourdough: Housewifisation and Exploitation 
as Self-Exploitation. pp. 113-124
Julianna Faludi and Michelle Crosby

On the Categories of Possibility, Limiting Conditions and the 
Qualitative Development Stages
  of Matter in the Thought of Friedrich Engels. pp. 125-139
Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski

Freedom, Distribution and Work from Home: Rereading Engels in the Time 
of the COVID-19-Pandemic. pp. 140-153
Saayan Chattopadhyay and Sushmita Pandit

The Conditions of the Global Digital Working Class: The Continuing 
Relevance of
Friedrich Engels to Theorising Platform Labour. pp. 154-170
Shahram Azhar

The Political Economy of Working-Class Social Media Commerce: Digital 
Capitalism and
the Engelsian Concept of Working-Class “Property”. pp. 171-194
Suddhabrata Deb Roy

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