[liberationtech] FSF launches Jitsi Meet server for associate members

Greg Farough gregf at fsf.org
Fri May 29 00:38:59 CEST 2020

Hi, liberationtech,

It's been a long time coming, but we at the FSF are glad to finally be
able to say that we've launched our Jitsi Meet instance for all of our
associate members. To be clear, although only members can create
conference rooms, anyone can join once being given the URL.

This is especially exciting to me, as this is the only instance we're
aware of that serves no proprietary JavaScript, nor does it recommend
any problematic services. Putting my FSF staff hat aside for a second
and just speaking as a software freedom activist, I'm relieved to have
a videoconferencing service I can recommend to others without any

You can read more about the instance and how to use it at our blog
post below. And if you're able, please help spread the word!



Greg Farough // Campaigns Manager
Free Software Foundation

Join the FSF and help us defend software freedom: https://my.fsf.org
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