[liberationtech] German Court Ruling Is "Thorny" For Governments Outside Germany... and....

Robert Mathews (OSIA) mathews at hawaii.edu
Fri May 22 21:41:52 CEST 2020

Some items* that may be of interest to the membership....

*"Right to Privacy Extends to Foreign Internet Users, German Court Rules"*
/'The intelligence services cannot randomly search the digital data of
citizens of other countries living abroad, judges said, in a decision
welcomed by civil rights activists.'/
Melissa Eddy
The New York Times
19 May 2020

BERLIN — Privacy rights enshrined in Germany’s Constitution extend to
foreigners living abroad and cover their online data, the country’s
highest court ruled on Tuesday, ordering Chancellor Angela Merkel’s
government to overhaul a law governing the foreign intelligence agency.

The decision by the Constitutional Court found that parts of a 2016 law
governing the country’s foreign intelligence agency, known by its German
abbreviation BND, in part violated the universal right to privacy in
communication. The ruling ordered the law to be rewritten to clarify the
motivation for spying on individuals abroad, but it stopped short of
banning the practice outright.

[ .... ]


*ADT Sued After Technician Gained Access to More Than 200 Customers’
*Courthouse News Service*
May 18, 2020

*----- Industry Funded Assessments -----*

*DevSecOps report: Cloud IT complexity creates 'immutable' security issues*
/Cloud IT deployments can be so complex that security issues cannot be
fixed easily -- so they aren't -- raising the attack surface for
By Tom Foremski
May 19, 2020

*CEOs and CISOs disagree on cyber strategies*
/There are growing disparities in how CEOs and CISOs view the most
effective cybersecurity path forward, according to Forcepoint./
*Help Net Security*
May 20, 2020

*----- Industry Funded Assessments -----*
/Dr. Robert Mathews, D.Phil.
Principal Technologist &
//Distinguished Senior Research Scholar//
//Office of Scientific Inquiry & Applications (OSIA)//
//University of Hawai'i/
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