[liberationtech] NSA Shills List Of Insecure Conference Tools

Aymeric Vitte vitteaymeric at gmail.com
Fri May 1 11:58:14 CEST 2020

I did not analyze in details but maybe : https://meet.jit.si or 
https://webrtc.sipthor.net , looks to be the same (lead dev), it goes
through a central point for peers introduction then browser to browser
webrtc communication is used (+encryption), apparently, docs are not
super clear and not sure it's 100% open source

Still, it is vulnerable to built-in webrtc security issues

This is where https://github.com/Ayms/node-Tor#phase-4-and-phase-5 would
be useful again (sip.pipe(node-Tor) with WebRTC)

Le 01/05/2020 à 08:41, grarpamp a écrit :
> https://media.defense.gov/2020/Apr/24/2002288652/-1/-1/0/CSI-SELECTING-AND-USING-COLLABORATION-SERVICES-SECURELY-LONG-FINAL.PDF
> Not a single fully opensource nontracking nonsharing noncollecting
> e2e encrypted decentral p2p app on the list.
> Seems someone doesn't want you communicating privately.
> If you can't run opensource code privately with no one else involved
> but your peers on your own infra, you can't trust it... yet another
> example people failing to take sage, propping the junk govcorpware...
> https://gizmodo.com/zoom-accused-of-misrepresenting-security-measures-in-ne-1842756394
> Consider...
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Peersm : http://www.peersm.com
torrent-live: https://github.com/Ayms/torrent-live
node-Tor : https://www.github.com/Ayms/node-Tor
GitHub : https://www.github.com/Ayms

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