[liberationtech] Could you help our lonely 98-year-old WW2 vet neighbor regain access to his Yahoo email?
bo0od at riseup.net
Fri May 1 01:04:28 CEST 2020
Dino i forgot to mention it, it is supposedly good client but privacy
garbage on practical level because it doesnt support connection over
Tor, lack of IP-Port configurations, no encryption to local chat
https://github.com/dino/dino/issues/745 (wont fix feature for encrypting
the chat when saved locally, and i assume same goes for username/password)
https://github.com/dino/dino/issues/115 (modifying hostname and port
configuration not fixed since 3 years)
https://github.com/dino/dino/issues/567 (said to be fixed but it did not
when trying that as it mentioned in whonix forum)
https://github.com/dino/dino/issues/244 (no connection to hidden
services supported yet)
has some other stuff:
CoyIM was the best in its time but sadly developer jailed due to his
connections with wikileaks.
Denver Gingerich:
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 06:44:51PM +0000, bo0od wrote:
>>> Also, the most popular XMPP clients (such as Conversations and ChatSecure)
>>> have OMEMO built-in and use it by default. So I think for most users,
>>> privacy is indeed the default with XMPP.
>> These are mobile OS only based clients Conversations for Android only ,
>> Chatsecure for IOS only , what about Desktop? nothing active available with
>> builtin encryption.
> Dino has OMEMO included by default. There may be others that have it included by default too - I don't know all desktop XMPP clients off-hand.
> For many clients (like Gajim), whether OMEMO is included is generally up to the distribution's packager. In Debian, for example, Gajim's OMEMO support is indeed in a separate package, as you alluded to.
>> So lets say secure chatting over insecure operating systems (insecure
>> endings)
> You can run Conversations on Replicant, which is a fully free version of Android. But I do agree that it's better to use a non-phone when possible for better security.
> Denver
> https://jmp.chat/
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