[liberationtech] Personal data belonging to all Georgia citizens published online | Russia troll farm loses troll look and feel | Twitter suspends world leaders | Net inventor gets Covid-19

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 19:19:13 CEST 2020

* The full names, home addresses, ID numbers and other personal information
   belonging to some five million Georgians appeared on a hacker forum over the
   weekend. See:
 * The Kremlin-backed Internet Research Agency is getting more sophisticated
   just in time for the November election, say experts. Say goodbye to wordy
   gobbledygook, multiple hashtags and misspellings. And say hello to posts with
   a new, clean look, and distributed by local individuals and "news"
   organizations. See:
 * Twitter, in its war against coronavirus misinformation, has deleted tweets
   from Rudy Giuliani and Brazilian President among others. See:
 * Vint Cerf tests positive for Covid-19. The internet pioneer, 76, said he is
   recovering. We allĀ  wish Vint well. See:
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