[liberationtech] Cyber experts come together to fight COVID-19-related hacking
Peter Micek
petermicek at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 15:52:17 CET 2020
Are these things open to civil society or independent technologists? Or is
it just corporate?
On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 10:35 AM Boris Rohozinski <r.rohozinski at gmail.com>
> There’s also a Canadian effort which is much more narrowly focussed on
> protecting hospitals, cities in critical infrastructure but which is
> federated to the COVID-19 CTI league as well.
> https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/covid19-cyber-companies-1.5508570
> If there are any Canadians here who would like to jump in and support, the
> group can be accessed from here:
> https://join.slack.com/t/covid19cyber-canada/shared_invite/zt-d5097lti-K46xNVA~9i6qpvAZT_2v9g
> Rafal
> Sent fr
> On Mar 26, 2020, at 2:46 PM, Yosem Companys <ycompanys at gmail.com> wrote:
> Called the COVID-19 CTI League, for cyber threat intelligence, the group
> spans more than 40 countries and includes professionals in senior positions
> at such major companies as Microsoft Corp and Amazon.com Inc .
> One of four initial managers of the effort, Marc Rogers, said the top
> priority would be working to combat hacks against medical facilities and
> other frontline responders to the pandemic. It is already working on hacks
> of health organizations.
> Also key is the defense of communication networks and services that have
> become essential as more people work from home, said Rogers, head of
> security at the long-running hacking conference Def Con and a vice
> president at security company Okta Inc .
> The group is also using its web of contacts in internet infrastructure
> providers to squash garden-variety phishing attacks and another financial
> crime that is using the fear of COVID-19 or the desire for information on
> it to trick regular internet users.
> Rogers said the group had already dismantled one campaign that used a
> software vulnerability to spread malicious software. He declined to provide
> details, and said that in general the group would be reluctant to reveal
> what it was fighting.
> Rogers said law enforcement had been surprisingly welcoming of the
> collaboration, recognizing the vastness of the threat.
> Rogers is a UK citizen based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Two other
> group coordinators are American, and one is Israeli.
> https://www.usnews.com/news/technology/articles/2020-03-25/cybersecurity-experts-come-together-to-fight-coronovirus-related-hacking
> --
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