[liberationtech] Trade groups ask California to delay privacy law because of coronavirus

Thomas Delrue thomas at epistulae.net
Sat Mar 21 20:59:18 CET 2020

And when this crisis is receding, they'll ask for the same again,  but this time because the wind is blowing from the south (or wherever) or because grass is growing faster than last year.

Why do people keep falling for this stuff? These kind of things cause a cynic to call himself a realist...

On March 21, 2020 5:23:06 PM UTC, Yosem Companys <yosem at techlantis.com> wrote:
>In a letter to California Attorney General Xavier Becerra this week,
>representing advertising, insurance and other industries cited
>confusion such as office closures as the latest hurdles to meeting the
>July 1 target for enforcement.
>Business leaders will be “forced to consider tradeoffs between
>decisions that
>are best for their employees and the world-at-large and decisions that
>may help
>the organizations they lead avoid costly and resource intensive
>actions,” the letter said.
>Cybersecurity experts have warned that criminals and nation-state
>actors could
>take advantage of coronavirus as Americans move more of their personal
>professional lives online. For advocates, that’s all the more reason
>data-privacy laws.
>ANA and Others Ask for CCPA Enforcement Extension | Regulatory
>Rumblings |
>Blogs… ANA, along with more than 30 major California and national trade
>associations, have called on the California Attorney General to provide
>a brief
>delay in… ana.net  
>Trade Groups Ask California to Delay Privacy Law Because of Coronavirus
>coalition of trade associations are asking California to put off
>enforcement of
>its landmark privacy regulation in part because of the novel

(Sent from my mobile device,  please forgive brevity or typos.)

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