[liberationtech] Recent 'Raw Reportage' of Russian Exploits....

Robert Mathews (OSIA) mathews at hawaii.edu
Sat Mar 21 07:10:41 CET 2020

Russia’s Internet knockout punch *
*Hackers leak internal documents showing the FSB’s quest for a
cyber-weapon that can take whole nations offline**

8:02 am, March 19, 2020

Source: Meduza


[ ..... ]

        /"In total, according to the hackers’ data, there are three
        versions of the software: Fronton, Fronton-3D, and Fronton-18.
        The programs can infect any smart device (from digital
        assistants to “smart” homes), connecting them into a network and
        then attacking the servers responsible for the stability of
        online services and the Internet itself in entire countries." /

[ ..... ]

*"Stop word" - Bulk. Hackers exposed the "FSB project" in social networks*
Andrey Soshnikov, Andrey Zakharov
December 20, 2018

        /"Hackers from the Digital Revolution group claim to have hacked
        the server of the Quantum Research Institute, owned by the FSB.
        The documents they published describe a monitoring system for
        social networks, the main purpose of which is the analysis of
        protest moods. The Quantum system as a subcontractor is already
        being implemented in Kazakhstan, the BBC learned."/

[ .... ]

And, IF you are interested in peeking at the files (~71MB) made
available by *"Digital Revolution",* YOU can go here, to their TWITTER
post, and click on the MEGA link, enclosed there.  The Twitter link is: 

/Dr. Robert Mathews, D.Phil.
Principal Technologist &
//Distinguished Senior Research Scholar//
//Office of Scientific Inquiry & Applications (OSIA)//
//University of Hawai'i/
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