[liberationtech] OPG/QueerNet Seeking Long-Term Volunteers

Stardust Doherty stardust at willdoherty.org
Thu Mar 19 22:34:08 CET 2020

Dear Liberation Techies,

Wondering how to spend your time in lockdown?

Please consider participating in the revival of the Online Policy Group 
/ QueerNet by reading and responding to the message below and forwarding 
to others who may be interested.

One Internet With Equal Access for All,


*Non-Profit ISP OPG/QueerNet Seeks New Wave of Volunteers*

The Online Policy Group (OPG) / QueerNet is seeking a new wave of 
volunteers to carry on and evolve the organization's legacy.

OPG/QueerNet is a non-profit organization with the motto “One Internet 
With Equal Access for All”. QueerNet started offering a permanent home 
for LGBTQI+ discussion lists and websites in 1993, and was one of the 
first LGBTQI+ sites on the Internet.  Since 2000, OPG/QueerNet has 
provided services to a broader community of underserved individuals and 
groups pursuing non-profit projects on the Internet.

Notable highlights in the history of OPG/QueerNet include legal action 
with the Electronic Frontier Foundation against e-voting machine company 
Diebold to back off from takedown threats to OPG clients linking to 
internal Diebold emails documenting e-voting issues in 2003-2004 and 
also a 2003 brief to the U.S. Supreme Court demonstrating that the 
Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) places unconstitutional 
limitations on free speech of library patrons by requiring the use of 
Internet blocking/filtering software in libraries receiving certain 
federal funding or discounts.

Our founders have been volunteering at OPG/QueerNet since the beginning, 
along with other volunteers who joined us for various projects along the 

After more than twenty years, it's now time for a new wave of dependable 
volunteers to gradually take over the operations of the organization, so 
that this valuable work can continue for and evolve beyond the 
foreseeable future.

Specifically, OPG/QueerNet is seeking the following volunteers:

  *      Senior System Administrator
  *      System Administrator
  *      Board Secretary
  *      Treasurer / Accountant

Volunteers may live anywhere with dependable Internet access. These 
volunteer positions are part-time with most requiring only a few hours 
commitment per month. All levels of expertise are welcome, from those 
who already have the skills to those who would like to learn. We just 
ask for volunteers who are willing to make a longer-term commitment, due 
to the investment we make in acquainting our volunteers with our systems 
and practices, as well as the need to provide our services without 
interruption to our clients.

Senior System Administrator

Designs and architects server configurations, including installation, 
maintenance, and upgrades of hypervisor, operating system, virtual 
networks, administrative portals, website hosting, wordpress hosting, 
email list hosting, email administration, and other software installation.

System Administrator

Handles day-to-day client requests for website hosting, wordpress 
hosting, email list hosting, and email administration.

Board Secretary

Schedules, publicizes, and takes and publishes minutes for regular Board 
meetings and any special Board meetings.

Treasurer / Accountant

Tracks revenues and expenses, submits annual state and federal postcard 
filings, prepares financial reports as needed. Experience as an 
accountant and/or MBA helpful. Experience with spreadsheets required, 
accounting software helpful.


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