[liberationtech] U.S. In Talks To Use Location Data To Aid In ~WAR~ Against A Microbe

Robert Mathews (OSIA) mathews at hawaii.edu
Thu Mar 19 01:25:11 CET 2020

On 3/18/20 4:29 PM, Robert Guerra wrote:
> I fear that this will an ongoing non-expiring authority as was the
> case for most of the Patriot act provisions…
> -- 
> Robert Guerra
> Cel/Tel +1 416 893 0377
> Twitter: twitter.com/netfreedom
> Email: rguerra at privaterra.org

So long as "fear" is integral to misguided, unintelligent, inequitable,
and depraved *'governing'* in societies;  and the "dissipated"
*GOVERNORS* are permitted to use "fear" as a common instrument to
vitiate the natural and 'hard-earned' birthrights of others, each of us
stand to be victims;  prisoners of our collective folly.  

The "PATRIOT Act" is one of the largest collection of laws -
incrementally machined into place, all during the "information age";
when the world's libraries were at our fingertips, and 'bits and bytes'
move at electrical speed.  Even with the collective knowledge of our
past histories in the palm of our hands, and the power to organize
around 'a cause' - only keystrokes away, as a people, we still succumbed
to violent swirls of hysteria, hyperbole, fear, and thoughts of freshly
baked WHIFFS of WMD proclamations, and golden brown apple-pie -- /à la

I guesstimate that your fears will be proven correct, if our past is any
indication!  I re-iterate my previous statement here, only to affirm my
continued position, which is: /"[s]o long as Privacy remains deeply
misunderstood among all that value it, societies in all, will remain
‘hog-tied’, and unable to scale capricious assaults upon it"./

To contextually add to the running conversation, kindly see the following.

*An Internal Pandemic Document Shows the Coronavirus Gives Trump
Extraordinary Powers*
A leaked Customs and Border Protection directive allows the agency to
actively surveil and detain individuals suspected of carrying the
By Ken Klippenstein
The Nation
MARCH 12, 2020


*Spying on coronavirus: A little-known U.S. intel outfit has its most
important mission yet*
NBC News
Ken Dilanian
March 13, 2020
Dr. Robert Mathews, D.Phil.
Principal Technologist &
//Distinguished Senior Research Scholar//
//Office of Scientific Inquiry & Applications (OSIA)//
//University of Hawai'i/
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