[liberationtech] GeoTech Center
Yosem Companys
ycompanys at gmail.com
Tue Mar 17 18:41:54 CET 2020
From: David Bray
Done and done - I would recommend interested groups reach out to the new GeoTech
Center we have launched as we are already tackling these topics (albeit more on
the East Coast). We could partner with those wanting to connect with the federal
government on this?
The new Center:https://gtc.atlanticcouncil.org
Video clips from the event are herehttps://twitter.com/acgeotech
+ full video feed here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJgbScsdzE8
And an Axios article writeup:
On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 11:09 Yosem Companys <yosem at techlantis.com> wrote:
Tech4America provides a platform for service-minded leaders to tackle America's
toughest public challenges. We build bridges from Silicon Valley to public
Silicon Valley Coronavirus Tools for Mayors & Governors
Will you share tech and other ideas to help US mayors and governors?
Mayors and governors are seeking ideas from Silicon Valley for dealing with the
Covid-19 pandemic. What do you know? What would you offer? Reply to this email
or fill out thisGoogle form.
Because of Tech4America'spartnerships with mayors and governors across the
nation, we can disseminate ideas widely and quickly through national
organizations like the National League of Cities and the National Governors
Association. We will help you share tools, ideas, and contacts with the public
executives who are managing this crisis on the front line in real time.
We have already gotten some inquiries from around the nation and want to respond
quickly, so take a few minutes now. There are more details below.
Thank you,
Donine Fowler
Tech4America CEO/ExecDirector
dfowler at t4a.org
Silicon Valley Coronavirus Ideas for Mayors & Governors
Email dfowler at t4a.org or complete this Google form
Q1. Are there organizations or people in the Bay Area that are already working
to collect this kind of tech-related info? We don't need to recreate the wheel.
We can partner with ongoing work to avoid redundancy. Contact information would
be great.
Q2. How can we utilize the technology we excel in creating here in Silicon
Valley to help tackle the Covid-19 pandemic? These ideas should be things that
in the short term require no significant personnel or resource commitment by
governments because public officials are already overwhelmed.
Q3. Open-ended response. Got any additional thoughts/ideas/comments/questions
that can support the work of cities and states?
Want to Impact Public Issues?
Then Engage with Public Leaders in Small Venues.
Your ideas, networks, expertise, and funding will help public leaders better
understand the impacts tech is having on their constituents. It will help them
do their jobs better.
t4a at t4a.org
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