[liberationtech] Fwd: How are mobile carriers/Google/Apple helping track Covid19? Hey South Korea!

Richard Brooks rrb at g.clemson.edu
Fri Mar 13 16:04:09 CET 2020

Unfortunately, emergency powers quickly become normal
operating procedures.

And, some unnamed countries seem to be putting electoral
politics in front of the physical well being of their

If the ability to track social contacts exists to stop
a contagion, I can guarantee you that it will be used to
track the spread of dissent.

"Language is a virus."

On 3/13/20 10:50 AM, Steven Clift wrote:
> Any thoughts?
> I say screw privacy for this public health emergency and apply what they
> already know us for marketing purposes to keeping thousands alive. Then
> we can better regulate after the crisis when people know what this tech
> can track.
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: *Steven Clift* <clift at e-democracy.org <mailto:clift at e-democracy.org>>
> Date: Fri, Mar 13, 2020, 9:38 AM
> Subject: How are mobile carriers/Google/Apple helping track Covid19? Hey
> South Korea!
> To: poplus <poplus at googlegroups.com <mailto:poplus at googlegroups.com>>
> I've read that South Korea has used tech to track down possible contacts
> between those testing positive and those who may have been exposed.
> I haven't heard if this being used in Italy, the UK, US, etc. Is it?
> Is there a detailed article about this anywhere? (Any language.)
> Does anyone here know more about this?
> One article:
> "Thousands of miles away in South Korea, authorities have a different
> response to a similar-sized outbreak. They are testing hundreds of
> thousands of people for infections and tracking potential carriers like
> detectives, using cell phone and satellite technology."
> https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-response-specialre-idUSKBN20Z27P
> My related post on Facebook:
> https://www.facebook.com/groups/opengovgroup/permalink/2615192822045631/
> Thanks,
> Steven Clift

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