[liberationtech] How To Hack The Epistemic Crisis
Marc Sunet
msunet at shellblade.net
Tue Jun 30 02:16:54 CEST 2020
To what extent is that "epistemic crisis" true in Europe though? From
what I can tell, it's mostly a US thing? Or do you also have governments
that attack science and newspapers and spread the disinformation themselves?
That minute 23 in the podcast is key. To me it seems that Taiwan has the
right combination of culture, education and technological know-how to
make things work. They have government platforms designed to combat
disinformation, we have corporations that profit from it and governments
that don't do anything about them. Their application of technology also
seems very nuanced and objective-driven, as opposed to the technological
gimmicks of bluetooth contact tracing and heat cameras of the West.
On 6/29/20 8:23 AM, Steve Phillips wrote:
> No, that's one of the greatest podcasts I've ever heard, seriously.
> Taiwan's policies for combatting disinformation and many other things
> are amazing! Sad that the West isn't learning from them.
> On Monday, June 29, 2020, Stardust Doherty <stardust at willdoherty.org
> <mailto:stardust at willdoherty.org>> wrote:
> Is this click-bait?
> On 6/29/20 02:54, David Stodolsky wrote:
>> https://stealthisshow.com/s05e13/
>> <https://stealthisshow.com/s05e13/>
>> dss
>> David Stodolsky, PhD Institute for Social
>> Informatics
>> Tornskadestien 2, st. th., DK-2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark
>> dss at socialinformatics.org <mailto:dss at socialinformatics.org>
>> Tel./Signal: +45 3095 4070
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